Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Get To Know The Girl Behind The Blog

Hey there,
As you may, or may not know, I am part of the Tone It Up team and participate in most of their weekly, and monthly challenges and what not. One thing that is trending in the community is "20 Facts About Me".  I was just tagged in the community and I thought rather than only posting it over there, why not share it a little more publicly? If you're reading this thing anyway you may want to know a little bit more about the girl behind the blog. 

So, here we go. 

1. I was born May 18th, 1992 in Sunny Florida, where it rains more than it shines, and have been here ever since, and honestly have no intention on moving! 

2. My parents decided to name me Nicole after my dad mentioned the name to my mom and my Grandmother called the same day to tell her she thought she found a good name for me, I guess my mom thought because they both came up with the same name, then it was meant to be. 

3. Growing up I was a complete tom-boy. The pictures may be deceiving because my mom loved to dress me up and do my hair, I wanted nothing more than to be out in the dirt. I was the girl growing up that was friends with all the boys, had a rats nest on the back of my head made of hair, and ran around all day catching lizards and using them as earrings. If I wasn't trading Pokemon cards, or playing Sega, I was outside playing until sunset. 

Hopefully that photo sheds some light... I am the football head on the far right. 

4. I was a gymnast for 8 years and competed as part of the Gemini Gymnastics Team for many years before stopping altogether. 

5. I met my future husband at the small age of 14 and he was my first, and only boyfriend that I have ever had. The first time I saw him was in our 9th grade science class and he was still a skater boy rocking his black AC/DC shirt. Smitten!

6. I currently work as an Executive Assistant for a great and growing company that keeps me on my toes! I never thought it was possible to be this happy working an 8-5, but I am! 

7. I am a Foodie! I love all things food! Trying new things, searching for recipes, watching cooking shows, I am game! I think that food is such a fun part of life and love learning how to cook certain things, and am willing to try any new food at least once! On the other hand, I am not the best cook, which is why you will see many recipe and food posts involving Philip. He is the master in our house, and he is pretty darn good too I might add. I on the other hand have been involved in more kitchen fires than I am proud to talk about so I avoid heat at all costs. I come up with most of the meals we prepare and the recipes, but the execution is where I need Philip's expertise! (You'll never see him more afraid then when I am chopping things in the kitchen, it's like he has 911 on speed dial waiting to tell them I have amputated a finger). 

8. I did not grow up religious but found my way to Jesus on my own as an adult. I think because of this, I am open to understanding that people will come to you with different beliefs that they also believe to be true, which is why it is better to just coexist then argue. To each his own!

9. I am a planner! Like for real though. I make morning to do lists, afternoon to do lists, weekly to do lists, and monthly goals lists. I shop with a grocery list, I keep track of all of my expenses on a monthly budget sheet. I need organization in order to function! 

10. I am a home body. I am 100% content with sitting home on a Friday night with Philip, Netflix, some good food, and some candles lit and calling it a night. 

11. I am a TV junkie! I get hooked and will watch one TV show at a time and just go through all of the seasons until I finish. I don't actually watch a lot of live television or anything right after it comes on because we don't have cable.  Philip and I accidently unplugged our cable a couple years ago and it went 3 months before we realized. From that moment on, we knew we did not need cable. On the note of television shows though, a few of my favorite are - The Office, One Tree Hill, Sex and the City, Big Brother, Parks and Recreation, Orange is the New Black, Nashville, New Girl, Friends, Gilmore Girls, The League, Workaholics, I could go on for days! 

12. As much as I love my TV, I am also a bit of a book worm and really just love to read for fun! I have loved reading since I was a child, and often will fall asleep with a good book in hand. 

13. I am OBSESSED with animals. Any and all! I am a complete dog person and have two boys that are my life! If I had a bigger home with a backyard I would have more dogs by now! I currently have a 5 yr old Husky and a 4 yr old Whippet and am wanting a Pug so so so bad! I love spending time with animals, and could never hurt a fly. I am only truly terrified of one animal, and that is the squirrel. I hate them. 

14. I spend more money on home decor than I do anything else! I am always looking for ways to spruce up my space and make it more homey! I literally have a check list of things I want done or things I have been looking to find! I am currently working on finding the perfect plants for a ledge I have in my kitchen.. let me know if you know of a place with good deals! 

15. I am NOT a morning person, but I force myself to be one. I am a dead sleeper! I can sleep anywhere and everywhere, I love my sleep. I drive Philip insane with how long my alarm goes off in the morning before I finally hear it. If I let myself, I would sleep a good 10-12 hours every single night. On the other hand I am typically up at 5-6 on weekdays and 8-9 on weekends. I find myself to be able to get a lot done in the morning such as daily planning, getting ready, excercise, cleaning, etc. One thing I have found really helpful in training myself to be more of a morning person is the app Sleep Cycle. It's I believe .99 cents and measures your sleep patterns and wakes you up when you are in your lightest sleep cycle, waking you up easier and you don't feel as tired.  

16. I have a serious (somewhat stalkerish) crush on Mark Wahlberg! I met him in person when I was a kid and fell in love immediately. I saw him at a golf charity function and all I could muster up to say was that his fly was down. Darn it! 

17. Dolce and Galbana's Light Blue is my go to power scent. I wear it on any important day, from work, to social, to dates, it's my signature! 

18. I got into a car accident when I was in high school where a deer rammed the side of my car. To this day, I refuse to drive down that road at night. I recently did, just to overcome my fear and a deer ran in front of my car! No I am not kidding. I ended up in the ER that night with some pretty bad head wounds.

Sorry if you are sensitive to blood! 

19. I LOVE TO CRAFT! I absolutely love letting my creative juices flow. Anytime I can put things together to make my own twist on something, I am a happy camper! 

20. My ALL-TIME favorite movie is "The Punisher" - it never gets old in my book, I could watch it 1000 times! I love Thomas Jane and think he did such and amazing job at bringing the comic to life! (On another note - LOVE comic books)! 

Thanks for taking some time to get to know me a little better! If you have a blog, I challenge you to take part in this Tag! And comment your link down below, so I can get to know you!



  1. Thanks Nicole! This was fun! https://samantharleppla.wordpress.com/
