Monday, February 9, 2015

My Go-To Healthy Breakfast

Hello there! 

If you're on this post, it must mean you are looking for something healthy and delicious to kick start your day! I know you've probably heard this a million times before but breakfast really is the MOST important meal of the day, for so many reasons. 

Overnight your body goes into a fasting mode while you sleep, hence the term "breakfast" or "break-fast". Once you wake up, you have no fuel/energy to use up to get you going for the day. Not only will that leave you feeling sluggish, but will also cause cravings and lead you to wanting a bigger lunch than if you had filled your tank in the morning. Now you may think skipping meals is an effective way to lose weight, but you are so wrong! Our bodies are built for survival. If you starve your body, it is going to kick into that mode of doing whatever it takes to survive, including storing excess fats and waste thinking it is being deprived for later. If you want to shed the bad and the bloat, you have to feed your body with the good. The bad will eventually filter its way out. 

That is why people bloat water, its the body's way of holding on to what is most important. If you consume enough water, every single day, the bloat will eventually disappear, because your body is not relying on the bloat, but rather the intake. 

Now any who, I am getting carried away. Here is my go to healthy breakfast! 

Protein Pancakes! 

As part of the Tone It Up team, breakfast protein pancakes are just essential! I have linked their step by step ingredient video here in case you are interested...

Don't you just love them!

Essentially though, you will need
  • Half a banana
  • 1/2 TBS Almond Milk
  • 1/4 C Egg Whites
  • A dash of cinnamon
  • A scoop of your preferred protein (I use the Perfect Fit in Vanilla)
You are just going to mash the banana in a bowl, slowly mix in the almond milk, egg whites, cinnamon, and protein until fully combined, and then pour onto a greased pan over medium heat, at about 3-5 minutes you will need to flip! 

There you have it, the perfect, and delicious, protein filled breakfast! 

It kinda makes you feel like your indulging too! I mean come on, pancakes, for a healthy breakfast, but these include no flour, egg yolks, or sugars! Woop Woop! Top with some agave and whatever else you'd like and be on your way to starting your day in a positive way!

XO - and Good Morning :) 

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