Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Koo Koo for CoCo-nut Oil

I know I am not the first, and I am definitely not the last, but I have fallen into the craze that is Coconut Oil! 

Coconut Oil is a staple in our house, but not necessarily for the kitchen like one would think. While its great to use when making dessert, I find I use it much more in the bathroom.

1. Coconut Oil is the BEST eye makeup remover! Mascara, Eye Shadow, Eye Liner, you name it. Coconut Oil gets it off completely and doesn't sting your eyes or have harsh chemicals in it that will affect your skin. 

2. Speaking of skin, Coconut Oil works wonders! I use it sometimes as a facial moisturizer after a good cleaning, body lotion to make your skin silky smooth, and once again like I said is not riddled with harsh chemicals. 

3. Lip Balm! I love to put a little Coconut Oil on my lips before bed and it works as the perfect Chapstick! 

4. Oil pulling! I have tried oil pulling for a little while now, as bad teeth is something that just runs in my family. Essentially you take about a tablespoon of Coconut Oil and swish it around your mouth, kinda like mouth wash for 10-20 minutes. I know, I know that sounds like an awfully long time... but I just do it while I am in the shower and don't seem to notice the time anymore. Since starting oil pulling my dental hygiene has improved greatly, my teeth are less sensitive, and my 6 month check up of usual fillings has turned into positive meetings of a healthy mouth! 

5. Hair mask! I have really tricky hair. You know how some people have combination skin, that can be oily and dry, well I think I have combination hair! My hair can get extremely oily in the matter of a day, where it looks like my roots haven't seen a shower in months, but the ends of my hair can be so dry at the same time. One thing I have noticed that helps is Coconut Oil hair masks! Like I said, about every two weeks or so I will lather my hair up with a decent amount, put it up in a high bun, and go to sleep like that on a towel. The next morning and a deep shampooing later and my hair is perfectly moisturized. 

One thing I do not recommend Coconut Oil for is Shaving Cream!! I tried that one time and ended up with possibly the world's WORST case of razor burn, that hurt for days! It might work for some, but that is something I would never try again. 

In a nutshell, Coconut Oil is the bee's knees. If you haven't discovered the power of its majesty, just give one of these things a shot, I'm sure you will be impressed! 

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